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29 posts tagged with "data science"

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· 3 min read

One year ago at this time, I was nervously making last-minute changes to slides for a presentation. Not just any presentation, but one of my final project for the Data Science Bootcamp at SPICED Academy, where I spent three full months learning about different machine learning algorithms and Python best practices.

Today, I work as a technical writer at a startup that is developing a low-code workflow automation tool. Though in this role I don't use my data science and Python skills on a daily basis, I still apply them occasionally in data analyses and personal projects.

In this post, I'll share with you five tips for maintaining and even developing your coding skills after you're done with formal education.

· 5 min read

My roles in data analytics/science so far have always been focused on online marketing applications, such as analyzing the impact of ad campaigns, the engagement of users with a website, or the performance of blog posts. Machine Learning algorithms and Python libraries like scikit-learn can help marketers derive insights from user data and establish connections between their features or actions that otherwise would go unnoticed.

In my search for resources that bridge data science and marketing, I found the chapter Clustering and Unsupervised Models for Marketing1^1, which explains how to use spectral biclustering for making product recommendations. In this post, I share with you my learnings about this algorithm and its implementation in Python, as taken from the book.

· 9 min read

I've been interested in emotions ever since I've become aware of them. Maybe because I was unsure how to process and interpret them, in both myself and others. How do people express emotions and why do they do it so differently? Is being scared the same as fearing? Can I really understand or experience sirva vigad if the word doesn't exist in my native language?

My solution to deal with this personal struggle was to read and research about emotions. I know I know, you can't learn everything from books, especially not human feelings and interactions, but nevertheless I've discovered some fascinated learnings about emotions.

This is why in university I chose to research verbs of emotion, more specifically to investigate the semantic characteristics of Romanian verbs of emotion.

· 4 min read

Cinephiles and lovers of glam rejoice this Sunday – it's Oscars Award Ceremony time! Due to Corona, this year's 93rd edition was postponed from February to April 25th – the latest in the history of the award. I was personally happy about the delay, because it gave me more time to analyse some data and come up with this blog post.

On this ocassion, I was curious to do some text mining on the acceptance speeches. Specifically, I analysed the speeches of the Best Directors between 1941 and 2019. I used a dataset from Kaggle and added missing data for 2017, 2018, and 2019 directly from the Academy Awards Acceptance Speech database.

· 2 min read

At the beginning of the new year 2021, Kaggle created a new format of competitions aimed at beginners. On the 1st of each month, a month-long Playground competition is launched, where you can practice your ML skills on simple tabular datasets. Apart from competitive experience, the top 3 teams get to win some Kaggle merchandise!

· 4 min read

2020 has definitely been an objectively crappy year... But in terms of programming experience, this year has been by far my most productive and enriching! It was my third year of coding, and second year of doing for work. I've learned a lot on the job and through self-study, developed my Python skills and even learned two new languages. Here's how my coding year progressed:

· 7 min read

Project completed in week 12 (14.12.-18.12.20) of the Data Science Bootcamp at Spiced Academy in Berlin.

I did it! I graduated from the Data Science Bootcamp! On Friday I presented my final project, which was about detecting emotions from speech with neural networks. It was one of the most challenging project I've worked on, because I had to learn something new (how to process audio data and make live voice predictions) and prepare everything nicely in only 7 days. Here's how it went...

· 2 min read

Project completed in week 11 (06.12.-11.12.20) of the Data Science Bootcamp at Spiced Academy in Berlin.

This was the last week of lectures and assigned projects, in which we learned general software engineering techniques and best practices for individual and team coding.